Results for 'María Oliva Méndez González'

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  1.  14
    El telar de cintura, inmanencia itinerante de la memoria.María Oliva Méndez González - 2018 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 22:29-45.
    El testimonio histórico que se desprende de los textos coloniales, escritos por los hombres de la conquista, no registró el papel fundacional de las mujeres en la sociedad, sino que enunció, tácita y recíprocamente vinculados, los conceptos de nación y masculinidad. La institucionalización de la supremacía masculina constituye una de las razones por las cuales las mujeres figuran como el sector de la población más desposeído y violentado de la sociedad centroamericana actual. Como veremos en el siguiente análisis, el arte (...)
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    Machine learning techniques for computer-based decision systems in the operating theatre: application to analgesia delivery.Jose M. Gonzalez-Cava, Rafael Arnay, Juan Albino Mendez-Perez, Ana León, María Martín, Jose A. Reboso, Esteban Jove-Perez & Jose Luis Calvo-Rolle - 2021 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 29 (2):236-250.
    This work focuses on the application of machine learning techniques to assist the clinicians in the administration of analgesic drug during general anaesthesia. Specifically, the main objective is to propose the basis of an intelligent system capable of making decisions to guide the opioid dose changes based on a new nociception monitor, the analgesia nociception index. Clinical data were obtained from 15 patients undergoing cholecystectomy surgery. By means of an off-line study, machine learning techniques were applied to analyse the possible (...)
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    Being the Victim of Intimate Partner Violence in Virtual Reality: First- Versus Third-Person Perspective.Cristina Gonzalez-Liencres, Luis E. Zapata, Guillermo Iruretagoyena, Sofia Seinfeld, Lorena Perez-Mendez, Jorge Arroyo-Palacios, David Borland, Mel Slater & Maria V. Sanchez-Vives - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Hybrid Intelligent Model to Predict the Remifentanil Infusion Rate in Patients Under General Anesthesia.Esteban Jove, Jose M. Gonzalez-Cava, José-Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Héctor Quintián, Juan Albino Méndez Pérez, Rafael Vega Vega, Francisco Zayas-Gato, Francisco Javier de Cos Juez, Ana León, María MartÍn, José A. Reboso, Michał Woźniak & José Luis Calvo-Rolle - 2021 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 29 (2):193-206.
    Automatic control of physiological variables is one of the most active areas in biomedical engineering. This paper is centered in the prediction of the analgesic variables evolution in patients undergoing surgery. The proposal is based on the use of hybrid intelligent modelling methods. The study considers the Analgesia Nociception Index to assess the pain in the patient and remifentanil as intravenous analgesic. The model proposed is able to make a one-step-ahead prediction of the remifentanil dose corresponding to the current state (...)
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    Comparison of Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy as Adjunctive Treatments for Recurrent Depression: The European Depression EMDR Network Randomized Controlled Trial.Luca Ostacoli, Sara Carletto, Marco Cavallo, Paula Baldomir-Gago, Giorgio Di Lorenzo, Isabel Fernandez, Michael Hase, Ania Justo-Alonso, Maria Lehnung, Giuseppe Migliaretti, Francesco Oliva, Marco Pagani, Susana Recarey-Eiris, Riccardo Torta, Visal Tumani, Ana I. Gonzalez-Vazquez & Arne Hofmann - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Positive Influences of Social Support on Sense of Community, Life Satisfaction and the Health of Immigrants in Spain.Isabel Hombrados-Mendieta, Mario Millán-Franco, Luis Gómez-Jacinto, Felipe Gonzalez-Castro, María José Martos-Méndez & Alba García-Cid - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    La recepción temprana de Slavoj Žižek en Chile.Rodrigo González Oliva - 2024 - Hybris, Revista de Filosofí­A 14 (2):13-35.
    Este artículo aborda la recepción temprana del filósofo esloveno Slavoj Žižek en el debate teórico chileno entre los años 1998-2013. El interés de este articulo no consiste meramente en enlistar las menciones a Žižek en el contexto local, sino problematizar los intereses históricos de las escenas teóricas locales y el alcance político de la teoría materialista dialéctica de Žižek, considerando que esta recepción se masifica al aproximarse el movimiento estudiantil del 2011 bajo la necesidad de acudir a nuevos referentes teóricos (...)
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    Don’t Shoot the Messenger? A Morality- and Gender-Based Model of Reactions to Negative Workplace Gossip.Maria Kakarika, Shiva Taghavi & Helena V. González-Gómez - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 189 (2):329-344.
    We conducted three studies to examine how the recipients of negative workplace gossip judge the gossip sender’s morality and how they respond behaviorally. Study 1 provided experimental evidence that gossip recipients perceive senders as low in morality, with female recipients rating the sender’s morality more negatively than male recipients. In a follow-up experiment (Study 2), we further found that perceived low morality translates into behavioral responses in the form of career-related sanctions by the recipient on the gossip sender. A critical (...)
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  9.  28
    History of the microscope and its repercussion on Microbiology.Rita María Sánchez Lera & Oliva García - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (2):355-372.
    El microscopio constituye un instrumento de vital importancia para la Microbiología y para muchas otras ramas de la Medicina. Se realizó una revisión bibliográfica con el objetivo de profundizar los conocimientos sobre el microscopio, sobre la historia de este en el período comprendido desde su creación hasta la actualidad a nivel mundial y más brevemente en Cuba. El trabajo aborda también, con una corta descripción, los diferentes tipos existentes, así como algunas de las aplicaciones más importantes en la Microbiología. This (...)
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    An Institutional Approach to Ethical Human Resource Management Practice: Comparing Brazil, Colombia and the UK.Beatriz Maria Braga, Eduardo de Camargo Oliva, Edson Keyso de Miranda Kubo, Steve McKenna, Julia Richardson & Terry Wales - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 169 (1):57-76.
    The impact of contextual influences on human resource management and management more generally has been the focus of much scholarly interest. However, we still know very little about how context impacts on the practice of ethical HRM specifically. Therefore, drawing on 59 in-depth interviews with HR practitioners in Brazil, Colombia and the UK, this paper theorizes how they perceive the ethical dimensions of their roles within their respective national contexts and how the way they act in relation to them is (...)
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    Technostress in Spanish University Teachers During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Maria Penado Abilleira, María-Luisa Rodicio-García, María Paula Ríos-de Deus & Maria José Mosquera-González - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:617650.
    One of the measures adopted by the government of Spain during the COVID-19 pandemic has been the elimination of face-to-face classes in all universities, requiring that all teachers had to conduct their classes in an online mode. The objective of this article is to study how this adaptation among university teachers affected their job performance due to the technostress (objective and subjective) that they may have suffered. Based on the person-environment misfit theory (P-E fit theory), the sample consisted of 239 (...)
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  12. La educación en la Constitución de Cádiz. Una revisión desde la perspectiva de Gramsci.María Antonia Ribón Seisdedos & Beatriz Pérez González - 2012 - Aposta 55:4.
    El artículo trata de aplicar las concepciones gramscianas al estudio de la primera constitución española. En el análisis se observan cuestiones relacionadas con la educación y los grupos hegemónicos intentando aportar nuevos datos tras la interpretación.
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    Technostress in Spanish University Students: Validation of a Measurement Scale.María Penado Abilleira, María Luisa Rodicio-García, María Paula Ríos-de-Deus & María José Mosquera-González - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    La Teoría de los Sentimientos de Agnes Heller en la Función de los Jueces.Gabriela Beatriz González Gómez & María De Lourdes González Chávez - 2006 - Cinta de Moebio 26.
    El texto aquí desarrollado aborda los principios más generales del realismo sociológico escandinavo, en particular de la teoría de la función jurisdiccional y del interés de Alf Ross, que sostiene a la objetividad y subjetividad como parte integrante de la actividad del juzgador, contrastán..
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    An Epistemic Problem for Epistocracy.María Pía Méndez - 2022 - Social Epistemology 36 (2):153-166.
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    Mixed Methods Approach to Describe Social Interaction During a Group Intervention for Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorders.Carlota Alcover, Ma Ángeles Mairena, Marcela Mezzatesta, Neus Elias, María Díez-Juan, Gemma Balañá, Mireia González-Rodríguez, Jairo Rodríguez-Medina, M. Teresa Anguera & Eulàlia Arias-Pujol - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  17. Medical malpractice: analysis of professional ethical processes in Paraiba, Brazil.Maria de Fátima Oliveira dos Santos, Natália Oliva Teles, Rui Nunes & Eliane Alvim de Souza - 2013 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 23 (1):9-12.
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    La Justicia Procedimental Imperfecta de John Rawls, en la Conciencia Jurídica Material de Alf Ross.Gabriela González Gómez & María De Lourdes González Chávez - 2005 - Cinta de Moebio 23.
    The unfinished imperfect procedural justice raised by John Rawls can be projected towards the theory of the jurisdictional function of Alf Ross, if we took in consideration the judge as an institution and citizen when he applies the law in the population that judges. The theory of the justice of the..
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    La Teoría Criminalística en la Individualización de la Pena.Gabriela González Gómez & María De Lourdes González Chávez - 2007 - Cinta de Moebio 29:167-178.
    The article briefly approaches some questions on the main penal theories that they turn around the determination of the penalty in the sentenced ones of codified legal systems, being jurisdictional processes, among them, the theory of the danger of Cesar Lombroso. The tendency of these criminal po..
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    Seguimos con la actualidad... The first-person plural nosotros ‘we’ across Spanish media genres.Miguel Ángel Aijón Oliva & María José Serrano - 2013 - Discourse and Communication 7 (4):409-433.
    The purpose of this article is to analyze Spanish first-person plural subjects as a cognitively grounded grammatical choice serving various discursive functions. Both the expressed and omitted variants of the subject will be considered, even if omission is by far the more frequent choice in Spanish and the more communicatively versatile one. The particularly vague reference of omitted nosotros ‘we’ – always involving an extension of the self towards a wider notional scope – results in a remarkable variety of possible (...)
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    Teaching Augmented Reality.Rubén González, Jordán Pascual, Vicente García, Teobaldo Hernán Sagastegui & María Elena Alva - 2017 - In José María Ariso (ed.), Augmented Reality: Reflections on its Contribution to Knowledge Formation. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 295-308.
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    Sobre la “Intervención” hegeliana.Rodrigo Alexis González Oliva - 2017 - International Journal of Žižek Studies 11 (1).
    El impacto que ha tenido la obra de Žižek dentro de la academia no deberíamos entenderlo como una mera formalidad frente al contenido de su teoría. Lejos de ser un iconoclasta, Žižek parece repetir un gesto riguroso y sistemático que ya encontramos en su autor de cabecera, Hegel. Žižek, Simon, Malabou, son convocados en este ensayo, en tanto renovadores de una lectura contemporánea de Hegel, para repensar la sistematicidad del texto hegeliano a partir del concepto de “intervención”. Pareciera como si (...)
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    A Novel Fuzzy Algorithm to Introduce New Variables in the Drug Supply Decision-Making Process in Medicine.Jose M. Gonzalez-Cava, José Antonio Reboso, José Luis Casteleiro-Roca, José Luis Calvo-Rolle & Juan Albino Méndez Pérez - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
    One of the main challenges in medicine is to guarantee an appropriate drug supply according to the real needs of patients. Closed-loop strategies have been widely used to develop automatic solutions based on feedback variables. However, when the variable of interest cannot be directly measured or there is a lack of knowledge behind the process, it turns into a difficult issue to solve. In this research, a novel algorithm to approach this problem is presented. The main objective of this study (...)
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  24. Una Introducción no Imparcial a la Fundamentación Metafísica: Determinación y Fundamentalidad.María Pía Méndez Mateluna & Joaquim Giannotti - manuscript
    Este capítulo es una guía para conocer los elementos básicos de la fundamentación metafísica. Ofrece una revisión accesible de sus características y usos, comparando este concepto con otras formas de dependencia que se pueden encontrar en la literatura. Enfatiza dos roles teóricos centrales que la fundamentación supuestamente juega en la teorización filosófica: (i) dar cuenta de una forma distintiva de determinación no causal y (ii) entender mejor la estructura jerárquica de la realidad. El capítulo apunta a persuadir a las lectoras (...)
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    The advocacy role of nurses in cardiopulmonary resuscitation.Verónica Tíscar-González, Montserrat Gea-Sánchez, Joan Blanco-Blanco, María Teresa Moreno-Casbas & Elizabeth Peter - 2020 - Nursing Ethics 27 (2):333-347.
    Background: The decision whether to initiate cardiopulmonary resuscitation may sometimes be ethically complex. While studies have addressed some of these issues, along with the role of nurses in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, most have not considered the importance of nurses acting as advocates for their patients with respect to cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Research objective: To explore what the nurse’s advocacy role is in cardiopulmonary resuscitation from the perspective of patients, relatives, and health professionals in the Basque Country (Spain). Research design: An exploratory critical (...)
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    La lectura simbolista de la obra de Cézanne: la paradoja del modelo.María Elena Muñoz Méndez - 2016 - Aisthesis 60:69-90.
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    Graciela De Pierris: In memoriam.María Cristina González - 2024 - Análisis Filosófico 44 (2):363-364.
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    "O Virgo, templum Dei sanctum". Simbolismo del templo en imágenes de la Virgen María en los siglos XIV-XV según exégesis patrísticas y teológicas.José María Salvador González - 2017 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 22:359-398.
    Among the elements which have gradually been complicating the countless representations of the Virgin Mary throughout history, this paper seeks to highlight and interpret conceptually one of special doctrinal significance in some Marian images during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries: the temple, in whose interior some artists place some actual or symbolic episodes of Mary, from her birth or her Annunciation to the Sacra Conversazione, to give a few examples. Even though at first sight it looks as a mere scenographic (...)
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    Semblanza de María Teresa Román.María Luisa Romero González - 2018 - Endoxa 42:19.
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    A Computational Model of the Belief System Under the Scope of Social Communication.María Teresa Signes Pont, Higinio Mora Mora, Gregorio De Miguel Casado & David Gil Méndez - 2016 - Foundations of Science 21 (1):215-223.
    This paper presents an approach to the belief system based on a computational framework in three levels: first, the logic level with the definition of binary local rules, second, the arithmetic level with the definition of recursive functions and finally the behavioural level with the definition of a recursive construction pattern. Social communication is achieved when different beliefs are expressed, modified, propagated and shared through social nets. This approach is useful to mimic the belief system because the defined functions provide (...)
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    Posibilidades educadoras de familias jornaleras agrícolas migrantes en México ante las condiciones de la pandemia del SARS-CoV-2.Ana María Méndez Puga, Irma Leticia Castro Valdovinos & Ignacio Roberto Herrera Martín del Campo - 2021 - Saberes y Prácticas. Revista de Filosofía y Educación 6 (1):1-18.
    Este texto tiene por objetivo mostrar algunas de las condiciones que facilitan o complican el acceso al derecho a la educación, así como la permanencia de la escuela para familias jornaleras agrícolas migrantes en los tiempos del SARS-CoV- 2, considerando que gran parte del proceso de aprendizaje recae sobre las propias familias. Se realiza un análisis desde la cultura y la gramática escolar, contemplando las características de la escuela para estas familias y las posibilidades que tienen de responder a las (...)
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    Filosofía y poesía en el pensamiento de María Zambrano.Maria Antonia González Valerio - 2003 - Signos Filosóficos 9:17-24.
    Since its beginning, philosophy has established various relationships with poetry which are sometimes strained, at times less so and sometimes almost from complete oblivion. From Greece poetry started to be denounced: however, from the so-called crisis of reason it became essential to reopen and..
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    La influencia aristotélica en la conceptualización de la performatividad en Butler.Rodrigo Alexis González Oliva - 2024 - Síntesis Revista de Filosofía 7 (1):59-81.
    Proponemos revisar críticamente la conceptualización de la performatividad en Judith Butler durante los años 1990-2015. En este período Butler propone extender el alcance del concepto de J. L Austin a la teoría de género, sustituyendo la analítica del acto de habla en Austin por una analítica posestructural del poder. Butler usa críticamente la referencia al posestructuralismo y feminismo francés para reinterpretar la concepción aristotélica de la inteligibilidad del poder como materialización de una forma discursiva, subordinando a ella el alcance de (...)
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    The Ethics of Care in Disaster Contexts from a Gender and Intersectional Perspective.Rosario González-Arias, María Aránzazu Fernández-Rodríguez & Ana Gabriela Fernández-Saavedra - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (3):64.
    Feminist reflections on the sexual division of labour have given rise to a body of knowledge on the ethics of care from different disciplines, including philosophy, in which outstanding contributions to the topic have been formulated. This approach is applicable to the analysis of any phenomenon and particularly that of disasters. As various investigations have highlighted, the consequences on the population throughout all of a disaster’s phases (prevention, emergency, and reconstruction) require an analysis of differentiated vulnerabilities based on gender and (...)
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  35. Fondos epigráficos del Museo Arqueológico de Sevilla.María Eugenia Gálvez Vázquez, Diego Oliva Alonso & Rafael Valencia Rodríguez - 1985 - Al-Qantara 6 (1):451-468.
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    Las humanidades en tiempos del Antropoceno: en el umbral entre humanismo y posthumanismo.Diana María Muñoz-González - 2021 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 61:423-448.
    With regard to the so-called “Anthropocene” era, in which human beings have become Earths’ main telluric force, the humanities are clearly under siege. They must review in depth their conception of human being, usually defined as essentially different from Nature. Accordingly, two distinct ways of reaction are open: one retains the principles of the humanistic tradition, while the other one seeks to drift apart from that very same tradition, and to open up a new paradigm of thinking that might be (...)
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    Ciceronianismo y latín renacentista.Juan María Núñez González - forthcoming - Minerva: Revista de Filología Clásica.
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    El sueño infantil, fundamentos filosóficos para la intervención psicológica.María Pilar Quiroga Méndez - 2007 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 34:461-479.
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    La filosofía de la psicología analítica (autores de filosofía en la obra de C. G. Jung).María Pilar Quiroga Méndez - 2002 - Cuadernos Salmantinos de Filosofía 29:245-276.
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    Socialización y consumos mediáticos en un aula de Educación Primaria (Asturias, España).María Buelga Iglesias & Soraya Calvo González - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (2):1-14.
    El consumo mediático a través de diferentes redes sociales forma parte de la cultura digital adolescente. Este artículo tiene como objetivo describir la propuesta metodológica cualitativa construida para conocer las influencias de las Tecnologías de la Relación, Información y Comunicación en un grupo-aula de Educación Primaria desde una perspectiva de género. Se utiliza un planteamiento etnográfico en el que se aplican diferentes técnicas de recogida de información como la observación participante, las asambleas o las sesiones de experimentación y creación mediática. (...)
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    El transfeminismo no es un humanismo: cruces entre animalidad y género.Anahí Gabriela González & María Belén Ballardo - 2024 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 33:106-133.
    En el presente trabajo pretendemos argumentar que el transfeminismo no es un humanismo, es decir, no puede consistir en una ampliación del proyecto humanista que conserve intactas las estructuras de exclusión que distribuyen privilegios. Antes bien, el transfeminismo ha de ser un antiespecismo y el antiespecismo ha de ser un transfeminismo, si ambos movimientos pretenden potenciar sus luchas contra toda forma de opresión. El artículo se despliega en los siguientes momentos: en primer lugar, sostenemos que el feminismo antiespecista clásico reproduce (...)
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  42. From What Age Is Mental Rotation Training Effective? Differences in Preschool Age but Not in Sex.Laura M. Fernández-Méndez, María José Contreras & M. Rosa Elosúa - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Strategy for the migration to free software in the public health sector in Camagüey province.José Sánchez Méndez, Olga Lidia Barreras López & María Elena Macías Llanes - 2015 - Humanidades Médicas 15 (3):531-549.
    En el escenario actual de Cuba y el mundo la migración al software libre constituye una necesidad para el desarrollo para garantizar la independencia tecnológica. Los procedimientos para realizar dicho proceso son fundamentales en la estrategia definida por el país que incluye la "Guía cubana de migración al software libre", sin embargo, su aplicación práctica enfrenta dificultades que han motivado a los autores a la elaboración de una estrategia específica para la migración al software libre en el sector de la (...)
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    I and We: Does Identity Explain Undergraduates’ Ethical Intentions?María J. Mendez, David A. Vollrath & Lowell Ritter - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics Education 15:75-98.
    Concerns about business ethics have led many business schools to integrate ethics into the curriculum, with mixed results (May, Luth, & Schwoerer 2014, Wang & Calvano 2015, Waples, Antes, Murphy, Connelly & Mumford 2009). This paper seeks to improve our understanding of business students’ ethics by looking into their identity, a cognitive lens by which students see themselves and interpret their environment (Triandis 1989) and that can be relatively malleable to priming and socializing processes (Vignoles, Schwartz, & Luyckx 2011, Ybarra (...)
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    Hábitos e racionalidade: um estudo filosófico-interdisciplinar sobre autonomia na era dos Big Data.Maria Eunice Gonzalez, Mariana C. Broens, José Artur Quilici-Gonzalez & Guiou Kobayashi - 2023 - Trans/Form/Ação 46 (spe1):367-386.
    The following dilemma is discussed: On the one hand, the growing impact of Technology of communication and information (ICT) in everyday habits seems to influence the dynamics of public opinion by reinforcing irrational beliefs and creating the impression that the autonomy of people’s opinion and decisions is just a myth. On the other hand, people seem to act most of the time, under the normal circumstances of daily life, in a rational way, as if their habitual actions result from relatively (...)
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    Modelling the hypnotic patient response in general anaesthesia using intelligent models.Esteban Jove, Jose M. Gonzalez-Cava, José-Luis Casteleiro-Roca, Juan-Albino Méndez-Pérez, José Antonio Reboso-Morales, Francisco Javier Pérez-Castelo, Francisco Javier de Cos Juez & José Luis Calvo-Rolle - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (2):189-201.
  47. Elementos filosóficos para la psicoterapia.María Pilar Quiroga Méndez - 2005 - Diálogo Filosófico 63:439-460.
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    Meaningful Learning Experiences in Everyday Life During Pandemics. A Qualitative Study.Irene González-Ceballos, Montserrat Palma, Josep Maria Serra & Moisès Esteban-Guitart - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:670886.
    The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically changed the lives of people all over the world. In particular, an unprecedented educational crisis has occurred due to the circumstances of physical distancing and remote learning. This article focuses specifically on the meaningful learning experiences in the everyday lives of adolescents during the pandemic. 72 meaningful learning experiences were identified from 11 participants who recorded their specific learning experiences for a week by a means of a journal recorded by themselves. A content analysis was (...)
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  49.  25
    The duality of poverty: a replication of Mani et al. (2013) in Colombia.Jhonathan Jared González, Juan Herrera-Santofimio, María Camila Contreras-González, María Angélica López-Ardila, Javier Corredor & Felipe González-Arango - 2021 - Theory and Decision 92 (1):39-73.
    Scarcity acts as a mental burden that disrupts how people process information and make decisions (Mullainathan and Shafir in Scarcity: Why having too little means so much. Macmillan, Basingstoke, 2013; Mani et al. Science 342:976–980, 2013). In this study, we replicated Mani et al.’s (Science 342:976–980, 2013) experimental design to explore whether scarcity also taxes Colombian high school students’ mental bandwidth. In a lab-in-the-field experiment, we tested how 417 high school students from high and low socioeconomic status (SES) in Bogotá, (...)
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    Lo auténtico también es público. Comprensión de lo público desde las clases medias en Chile.María Luisa Méndez & Emmanuelle Barozet - 2012 - Polis: Revista Latinoamericana 31.
    En este artículo, sobre la base de evidencia empírica cualitativa acerca de las clases medias en Chile, analizamos el enfoque pesimista de Richard Sennett sobre el futuro de lo público. Mediante nuestra investigación reciente, proponemos tres claves interpretativas – la intermitencia del paso de lo público a lo privado, las tensiones que se generan entre ambos y finalmente la demanda por autenticidad como forma de apelar a lo público – para entender la articulación entre los espacios públicos y privados en (...)
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